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Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow

You're Gonna Win The Snow Globe Award!

Here's to my hometown...Erie PA!!! You are famous yet again.  Yes, you have wonderful people. Yes, you have a beautiful Great Lake with a beautiful recreational peninsula which draws thousands every summer.  But what you are best at is SNOW!!!!!

This holiday is one for the record books as you all know as you look out your windows dreading the moment you have to once again shovel out.  The average snowfall for Erie, in a year, is 101 inches and Erieland has received more than that just in the month of December...and most of that has fallen since Christmas Day.  I remember when I was five we had a record breaking snow like was such fun as a kid.  I know it is a beautiful winter wonderland right now, so try to enjoy the beautiful sight, grab a blankie and a hot cup of cocoa and wait it out.

Scenes from 1956 Erie Blizzard

Our little house on Parade Blvd.  That's Dad digging out the driveway.

A neighboring house.  Can you see the hood of the car in foreground?

Our street.  That large truck is the National Guard to the rescue!!

Meanwhile, enjoy this little poem I wrote a while back not knowing a record-breaker was on its way to you.  Sending love a good wishes to all of my family and friends back home in Erie. Miss you!

Lake Effect Snow Sonnet

You who do not live on a lake
Will never understand snow.
You may have seen a soft white flake,
But you can’t begin to know,

The blinding white that will not stop,
The drifts that pile miles high,
Cars that lie covered to the top,
The roads one can’t get by.

This snow topples lines and trees,
It can even crush a roof.
Plows give up and let things freeze.
Do you need any more proof?

This snow’s a snow that will leave you wheezing.
This snow’s a snow that grows unceasing.

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