I know Spring is well underway, and I assure you I have welcomed it into my home. I just haven't had time to share with you what spring touches I have added to bring spring into my world. So I did a quick photoshoot around the house, inside and out, and will simply share with you now, some of the quick things I did to celebrate the season. After such a cold and long winter, I was delighted to decorate the house with new life!
family room mantle gets dressed in spring blooms |
My kitchen needed a little spring too, so I added a new Scrabble message next to my birdie that sits on the window sill my my kitchen sink. Now I can look at birds inside and out
Birds and nests and eggs are such symbols of spring. I decided to use these symbols in my spring decorating. My dining room is inundated with wedding preparations, but I managed to carve out a little space on the dining table to display a vintage silver tray filled with espresso and tea cups that I made into bird nests with moss and shredded raffia (PS - the center tea cup is from my grandmother's set...I will do a whole post on that later...they are one of my favorite things)
Love the scrabble message by the bird! I saw Scrabble tile coasters at a craft festival in Philadelphia last weekend.